The Community Digital Arts Hub (CDAH) presented their first photography vernissage “Identity through Photography'' on June 27th 2024. The exhibit was the culmination of a series of photography workshops and featured the artworks of immigrant, newcomer and refugee women/LGBTQ+ participants of the workshops. The workshops and exhibit were led and curated by Pantea Pezeshkan, an Iranian-Canadian photographer in residence at the CDAH since January 2024, thanks to a DémART internship grant from the Conseil des Arts de Montréal.

Participants were encouraged to answer questions around their personal identities and unique experiences, using cameras to tell their stories. They were led through the process of creation, from introductory photography workshops to selecting final works to present. The exhibit features 6 artists: Parisa Akbarmalkeshi, Baran Asghari, Sona Javid, Sara Nayerabadi, Alma Perreault, Pantea Pezeshkan.

This project was made possible thanks to funding from the Conseil des Arts de Montréal’s DémART program.

The Vernissage


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