
The Pontiac Continuing Education Centre offers both academic and vocational studies. Students can acquire their high school diploma, prerequisites for vocational or college/university programs, academic upgrading, or pursue their Diploma of Vocational Studies.

Last spring, CDAH in the Regions had the pleasure of bringing digital media training and mentorship to Pontiac Continuing Education students in the area of content creation and social media strategy. Students produced a promotional video, edited by Savanna Oliver.

Students also participated in a 4 week mentorship circle with Aline Patcheva on social media and communications strategies.

Pontiac Continuing Education

Filmmaking & Promotions workshops

  • Filmmaking Facilitator and Editor - Savanna Oliver

    Social Media Strategies - Aline Patcheva

  • Creating Video for Online Promotion with Savanna Oliver

    • FEBRUARY 23 & 28, 2024, 12:50PM - 2:50PM

  • Aline Patcheva - Social Media Strategies

    Mentorship Circles were in the form of digital meet-ups, where participants could ask questions and seek strategies to support their work.

    Group engaged in discussions and practice with a focus on promotional video content that included the following topics:

    ● Branding & Audience

    ● Strategy and Online Marketing: digital platforms and distribution

  • Savanna Oliver

CDAH in the Regions IS SUPPORTED by the government of Canada and ELAN.


Outaouais (Chelsea-Wakefield)